Topic outline

  • Module 2 Training Curriculum and Materials

    Education is an essential pillar of the society's development, and vocational schools play a crucial role in preparing young people for a successful career. However, in order to ensure quality education and an effective transition to the labour market, it is imperative to develop training programs that meet students' diverse needs and promote social inclusion. In this context, the module "Vision and Mission" is a fundamental component of the EQAVET 4 INCLUSION Training Curriculum for personal training in vocational schools.

    The EQAVET 4 INCLUSION curriculum is designed to support the development and implementation of high-quality vocational education focused on social inclusion and educational equity. It is based on the principles of ECVET (European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training), EQF (European Qualifications Frameworks), and EQAVET (European Quality Assurance Frameworks for Vocational Education and Training) to ensure high standards of quality and relevance of vocational education.

    The module "Vision and Mission" substantiates and guides the process of developing educational strategies and practices in vocational schools. This essential component of the EQAVET 4 INCLUSION curriculum aims to provide school staff with an understanding of the institution's vision and mission. This creates a solid basis for defining specific objectives and values that guide all aspects of the educational process.

     The vision that the school wants to achieve in the future is an inspirational and bold statement of what the educational institution aims to accomplish for students and the community. This is not just a simple phrase, but a guide to all decisions and actions taken in school.

    The mission, on the other hand, describes how the school aims to achieve this vision. It is the institution's commitment to the personal and professional development of students and service to the community. The mission provides a clear framework for developing curricula, teaching, and assessment strategies and for interacting with parents, the local community, and external partners.