• This curriculum aims to use EQAVET in general and Indicator 8, Prevalence of vulnerable groups in specific, for quality improvement in their VET school. The training material will assist schools in creating a long-term plan to detect and prevent dropouts by the selection of policies, strategies and activities that address the particular needs of the school. Most schools nowadays are taking corrective actions to keep pupils in danger of dropping out of School. What the Prevention Plan training material will do is train teachers, managers and other school actors in order to develop preventive actions instead. It will offer step by step advice on how schools can focus their efforts to keep young people connected to their VET school. It will help VET schools to create an inclusive school through the improvement of the school climate and also a process to identify and track pupils who are at risk of drop-out and respond to the warning signs. It will cover school-wide actions enabling VET schools to take steps towards excellence by creating an inclusiveness atmosphere.

    Target Group – To whom it may concern

    The target groups of the training are:


          school management officers

          guidance counsellors



    Training Methodology

    The EQAVET for Inclusion will be developed in the form of a distance course through Moodle open-source


    Objectives of the training

    The objectives of the training include:

          Inform the school staff about using EQAVET

          Develop the Prevention Plan training material

          Develop a process to identify and track pupils who are at risk of drop-out and respond to the warning signs